

A signal-generator with sine, pink noise and white noise outputs.


The following controls are provided:

Output selector - set the output signal to sine, pink noise or white noise.

Freq - set the frequency of the sine output from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

Level - set the signal output level from -inf to 0 dB.


A multi-function mixing utility.


The following controls are provided:

Phase Selector - invert the phase (polarity) of the left and right channels.

Input Selector - select the input mode (see below).

Trim - adjust the input level from -20 dB to +20 dB.

Pan - set the pan position from 100L to 100R.

Level - set the output level from -inf to 0 dB.

Pan Selector - set the pan mode (see below).

Output Selector - set the output mode (see below).

The signal processing order is as follows:

  1. Phase

  2. Input

  3. Trim

  4. Pan

  5. Level

  6. Output

The input options are:

  • Unchanged.

  • Swapped left/right.

  • The left channel passed to both left/right output channels (right channel ignored).

  • The right channel passed to both left right output channels (left channel ignored).

  • Both channels summed to a mono mix and passed to both output channels.

  • L/R channels converted to mid/side (or mid/side back to L/R).

The pan options are:

  • Inactive (pan control is bypassed).

  • Constant Power pan-law (-3 dB cut when centre-panned).

  • SSL-style pan-law (-4.5 dB cut when centre-panned).

  • Linear pan-law (-6 dB cut when centre-panned).

The output options are:

  • Use Mid/Side to change a stereo signal to mid/side or an already converted mid/side signal back to stereo.

  • Use Hard Clip to prevent excessive output levels by restricting the signal to 0 dB.

The stereo input and output levels are shown by two sets of level meters with input on the left and output on the right.